Barney Wiki

Barney's Zoo Tour was a tour to promote the home video, Let's Go to the Zoo. It originally toured at different zoos in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada from July 2001 to August 2001.


  1. Barney Theme Song
  2. If You're Happy and You Know It
  3. If All the Raindrops
  4. Mr. Knickerbocker
  5. The Airplane Song
  6. The Clapping Song
  7. It's a Great Day
  8. The Exercise Song
  9. Rock Like a Monkey
  10. The Elephant Song
  11. I Love You

Tour Schedule[]

United States[]

City & State Venue Date Times
Cincinnati, OH Peacock Pavilion, Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden September 9 11AM-1PM[1]
Miami, FL The Concert Filed, Metrozoo September 29-30 11AM[2]


City & Providence Venue Date Times
Toronto, ON Toronto Zoo August 25 11AM & 3PM[3]


North America[]

United Kingdom[]


