Barney Wiki

Scooter Picnic Basket

Scooter and Miss Etta discover Barney’s picnic basket on the playground in deleted scene.

"Brushing Up On Teeth" is the twelfth episode of the sixth season of Barney & Friends. It’s a semi-remake of “The Dentist Makes Me Smile”.


With school picture day coming up, Barney and his young friends want their smiles to look their best! Barney helps the kids and Baby Bop learn about teeth and the importance of the dentist. The group learns about how and when teeth grow in-and the iggly-squiggly (but funny) feelings caused when those teeth eventually fall out! Linda's tooth is coming out and her wiggling it makes the others laugh! The Adventure Screen lets Baby Bop see what a visit to the dentist's office is like, and everyone enjoys some vigorous tooth brushing practice. The kids figure out that Barney is overdue for his own dental visit, so they give him a make believe check-up which is sure to put a smile on every face!


  1. "Barney Theme Song"
  2. "If You're Happy and You Know It"
  3. "What Would I Do Without My Teeth?"
  4. "Laugh With Me!"
  5. "Brushing My Teeth"
  6. "Snackin' on Healthy Food"
  7. "Silly Sounds"
  8. "I Put a Smile On"
  9. "I Love You"


  • This episode marked:
  • This episode reveals that Danny's favorite color is green.
  • Linda reveals that her tooth is coming out, making her the second kid to have a tooth about to come out. the first was Shawn in The Dentist Makes Me Smile.
  • In the final scene of this episode, some pictures such as Danny coming out of the look-out slide taken from the camera were shown before filming.
  • There is a deleted scene in this episode where Scooter McNutty and Miss Etta Kette discover Barney’s picnic basket on the playground. So far, this scene has not been shown on YouTube because the complete version of this episode hasn’t surfaced.




Season Six episodes
"Stick With Imagination!" • "Itty Bitty Bugs" • "Grandparents Are Grand" • "Snack Time!" • "A Sunny, Snowy Day"
• "You've Got To Have Art" • "Five Kinds Of Fun!" • "Count Me In!" • "Who's Who At The Zoo?" • "Birthday Olé"
• "Excellent Exercise!" • "Brushing Up On Teeth" • "A "Little" Mother Goose" • "Good Job!" • "It's Home To Me"
• "How Does Your Garden Grow?" • "You Can Do It!" • "Here Comes The Firetruck!" • "Ready, Set, Go!" • "You Are Special"