Barney Wiki

"Butterflies" is the first half of the third episode from the tenth season of Barney & Friends.


Barney, BJ, and Riff help Baby Bop find her pet caterpillar, Monty. They look until Barney finds out that Monty isn't lost, he's on a twig. Baby Bop tells Barney that what their looking at is nothing like Monty. Barney explains to her that it's a chrysalis. Meanwhile Barney, Baby Bop, BJ, and Riff learn about butterflies and they even pretend to be butterflies. But when they return to check on Monty, they find the chrysalis empty. Baby Bop feels sad because her pet forgot to tell her goodbye, but Barney says that Baby Bop took really good care of Monty and that he'll never forget her. But just then, Riff saw some monarch butterflies fluttering by and Baby Bop gives Monty the Monarch butterfly a kiss.




Filming for this episode took place in July 2005 at HIT Entertainment Studios in Carrollton, Texas.


Home media[]

  • This episode was used in this video, HIT Favorites: Springtime Fun!. In this video, this episode ends with "I Love You" rather than "A Friend Like You". This is also the case in the UK iTunes release.
  • Also, this episode was featured in the video Tee-rific Bugs & Animals.


Behind the Scenes[]



Easter eggs[]

Season Ten episodes
"Welcome, Cousin Riff"/"Special Skills" • "Airplanes"/"Boats" • "Butterflies"/"Bugs" • "Shapes"/"Colors"
• "Seeing"/"Hearing" • "Glad to Be Me"/"Arts" • "Movement"/"BJ's Snack Attack" • "Counting"/"Letters"
• "Pets"/"Vets" • "Winter"/"Summer" • "Caring"/"Rhythm" • "Playing Games"/"Fun with Reading"
• "Making Mistakes"/"Separation" • "Days of the Week"/"Sharing" • "Rabbits"/"Ducks and Fish"
• "Mother Goose"/"Fairy Tales" • "Things I Can Do"/"Differences" • "Dancing"/"Singing"
• "Neighborhoods"/"Careers" • "China"/"Kenya"

"Butterflies" is the first half of the eighth episode from the fourteenth season of Barney & Friends.


Barney, BJ, and Riff help Baby Bop find her pet caterpillar, Monty. They look until Barney finds out that Monty isn't lost, he's on a twig. Baby Bop tells Barney that what their looking at is nothing like Monty. Barney explains to her that it's a chrysalis. Meanwhile Barney, Baby Bop, BJ, and Riff learn about butterflies and they even pretend to be butterflies. But when they return to check on Monty, they find the chrysalis empty. Baby Bop feels sad because her pet forgot to tell her goodbye, but Barney says that Baby Bop took really good care of Monty and that he'll never forget her. But just then, Riff saw some monarch butterflies fluttering by and Baby Bop gives Monty the Monarch butterfly a kiss.


  1. "Barney Theme Song"
  2. "Oh, Where Has My Little Pet Gone"
  3. "Listen"
  4. "Everybody Needs a Nap"
  5. "Three Little Butterflies"
  6. "A Friend Like You"
Season Fourteen episodes
"Gift of the Dinos"/"Winter" • "Riff's Musical Zoo"/"Boats" • "The Magic Caboose"/"Arts" • "Movement"/"Separation" • "Pistachio"/"BJ's Snack Attack" • "Bop 'til You Drop"/"Sharing" • "Little Red Rockin' Hood"/"Differences" •
"Butterflies"/"The Nature of Things" • "China"/"Welcome, Cousin Riff" • "Rabbits"/"Listen!" • "The Big Garden"/"Get Happy!" • "Big as Barney"/"The Chase" • "Playing Games"/"No, No, No!" • "The Emperor's Contest"/"The Whole Truth" • "Seeing"/"Beethoven's Hear!" • "Best in Show"/"Ducks and Fish" • "The Shrinking Blankey"/"Things I Can Do" •
"Mother Goose"/"Fun with Reading" • "The Blame Game"/"Airplanes" • "The New Kid"/"The Princess and the Frog"
