Go To is a Barney Book series that originally ran from 1996 to 2000. In each story, Barney takes Baby Bop and/or BJ to explore and learn about real-world locations.
Barney & Baby Bop Go to School (1996)
Barney & BJ Go to the Fire Station (1996)
Barney Goes to the Dentist (1997)
Barney & Baby Bop Go To The Grocery Store (1997)
Barney & Baby Bop Go to the Doctor (1997)
Barney Goes to the Farm (1998)
Barney & Baby Bop Go to the Restaurant (1998)
Barney & BJ Go to the Police Station (1998)
Barney & Baby Bop Go to the Library (1999)
Barney & BJ Go to the Zoo (1999)
Barney Goes to the Fair (2000)
Barney Goes To The Pet Shop (2000)
Barney On The Go!: A Treasury of Go to Stories (2000)
See Also[]
The Let's Go series, which re-released several "Go To" stories under new titles.