Barney's Imagination Island is an adaptation of the 1994 NBC prime-time special of the same name, released in May 1994. It was adapted by Stephen White, who also contributed in writing to the special, and illustrated by Jay B. Johnson.
Based on the NBC prime time network special, which originally aired on television on April 24th, Barney's Imagination Island is a unique book that features specially adapted full-color art taken from actual scenes in the network special and includes Barney, Baby Bop, BJ and several of the familiar cast members from the Barney & Friends.
Barney comes to life and takes Derek, Shawn, Min, Tosha, Baby Bop, and BJ by ship to an island where they meet Professor Tinkerputt, a toy inventor, who does not want to share his toys.
The cover art of the front cover of the book features an illustrated redesign of the dinosaurs that's featured on the cover for Let's Pretend with Barney. This cover is also featured on the cover of Barney's Favorites, Volume 2.