Barney Wiki

Sloan P Coleman (born September 21, 1960 in Tulsa, Oklahoma) is an American realtor and former senior vice president for stage tours and live events for HIT Entertainment, owners of Barney. For a short period, Coleman was also an executive producer for a few Barney Home Videos.



With an active two year old son, Coleman was recommended by a friend of hers to rent a Barney & The Backyard Gang video. She continued to rent videos from the series due to her son enjoying the series. Upon hearing another Mom express interest in Barney doing local party appearances, Coleman had the idea to create "Barney Birthday Parties" to market the series, and eventually called Sheryl Leach's office to inquire about the possibility of setting the business up.[1]

In the early 1990s, Coleman started a business for "Barney Birthday Parties". Coleman went around the Dallas/Fort Worth area in a van, with Carey Stinson, doing Barney themed birthday parties in homes (doing as many as 14 in one weekend at the businesses' peak).

Due to the excess popularity and number of requests by the time Barney was set to appear on public TV, the birthday party business was eventually shut down. Coleman was hired at The Lyons Group as the promotion manager for special events for The Lyons Group,[2] owners of Barney & Friends. Coleman was later promoted to senior vice-president of live events for Lyrick Studios when The Lyons Group became a subsidiary of the company. Coleman was promoted again as the senior vice-president for HIT Entertainment's stage tours and live events when HIT Entertainment bought Lyrick Studios. Coleman stayed as HIT's senior vice-president for stage tours and live events until 2005.







  1. The Color Purple: Barney loves you and Tulsa loves Barney September 28, 1999 Retrieved December 10, 2023
  2. BARNEY FANS ASKED TO TURN IN IMPOSTORS OF PURPLE DINOSAUR November 11, 1992 Retrieved August 11, 2022.
  3. Family-theme stage shows are well-oiled machines February 3, 2003 Retrieved August 11, 2022.
  4. Barney comes to Houston October 8, 2003 Retrieved August 11, 2022.
  5. Barney meets Rock & Roll! Stories from the tour - Purple Tales Podcast Episode 14 June 4, 2019 Retrieved August 11, 2022.