The Backyard Gang are a diverse group of children who starred in the Barney & The Backyard Gang home video series that originally ran from 1988-1991.
- Michael (Brian Eppes) (Known as Billy in the first draft)
- Amy (Becky Swonke) (Known as Annie in the first draft)
- Luci (Leah Montes) (Known as Sally in the first draft)
- Tina (Jessica Zucha) (Known as Cindy in the first draft)
- Jason (Salim Grant) (First trilogy of videos only)
- Derek (Rickey Carter) (Replaces Jason in the final pentalogy of videos)
- Adam (Alexander Jhin) (First quadtrilogy of videos and last trilogy of videos only; absent in Campfire Sing-Along)
- Jeffrey (Jeffrey Lowe) (Replaced Adam in Campfire Sing-Along)