"The Popcorn Song" is an original Barney song that first appeared in "Barney's Sense-Sational Day".
- Oh, you can hear it, you can see it.
- You can smell it, you can eat it.
- You can hear it, see it, smell it, eat it,
- Touch it, crunch it, taste it, munch it.
- Popcorn is really neat.
- Fun to make and fun to eat.
- Popcorn is a pop, pop, ever boppin never toppin, show stoppin'
- Zany kind of treat.
- The corn starts little, then it pops
- To a poppin' popcorn beat.
- Fills the popper to the top
- And then it's time to eat.
- Popcorn is really neat.
- Fun to make and fun to eat.
- Popcorn is a pop, pop, ever boppin, never toppin, show stoppin'
- Zany kind of treat.
- Pop, pop, pop, popcorn!
- I can hear it playing.
- Pop, pop, pop, popcorn!
- I can smell it making.
- Pop, pop, pop, popcorn!
- I can see it shaking.
- Pop, pop, pop, popcorn.
- Time to do some tasting.
- I can hardly wait!
- Oh, you can hear it, see it, smell it, eat it,
- Touch it, crunch it, taste it, munch it.
- Popcorn is really neat.
- Fun to make and fun to eat.
- Popcorn is a pop, pop, ever toppin, never boppin, show stoppin'
- Zany kind of treat.
- It's a pop, pop, ever toppin, never boppin, show stoppin'
- Zany kind of popcorn!
- Starting in A New Friend, the italicized lyrics were removed from this song.
Barney Song Used In...[]
- Barney's Sense-Sational Day
- Barney's Adventure Bus
- Pennies, Nickels, Dimes
- Good, Clean Fun!
- Barney's Good, Clean Fun! (Episode Featured: Good, Clean Fun!)
- Seven Days a Week
- Play and Learn with Barney (Episode Featured: Good, Clean Fun!)
- Snack Time!
- How Does Your Garden Grow?
- Barney's Pajama Party (Scene Taken from: How Does Your Garden Grow?)
- Barney's Night-Light Stories (Video Featured: Barney's Pajama Party/Scene Taken from: How Does Your Garden Grow?)
- A New Friend
- On The Move with Barney (Video Featured: Barney's Adventure Bus)
- It's Nice to Meet You (Episode Featured: A New Friend)
- Day and Night
- Start Singing With Barney
- Juguemos a Cantar con Barney