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Three Little Fishes is a song, recorded by Kay Kyser and His Band, with words by Josephine Carringer and Bernice Idins and music by Saxie Dowell. The song tells the story of three fishes, who defy their mother's command of swimming only in a meadow, by swimming over a dam and on out to sea, where they encounter a shark, which the fish describe as a whale. They flee for their lives and return to the meadow in safety. On Barney & Friends, this song first appeared in A Splash Party, Please.


Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
Live three little fishies and a mama fishy too.
"Swim," said the mama fishy, "swim if you can."
And they swam and they swam all over the dam.
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And they swam and they swam all over the dam.

"Stop," said the mommy, "or you will get lost!"
But the three little fishies didn't wanna be bossed
So the three little fishies went off on a spree
And they swam and they swam right out to the sea.
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And they swam and they swam right all over the dam.

"Hooray!" said the little fishies, "Here's a lot of fun.
We'll swim in the sea till the day is done."
So they swam and they swam, and it was a lark
Till all of a sudden they met with a shark!

Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And they swam, and they swam all over the dam.

"Help!" cried the little fishies, "Look at all the whales!"
Quick as they could, they turned on their tails.
Back to the pool in the meadow they swam
And they swam and they swam all over the dam.
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
And they swam and they swam all over the dam.

En la pradera, en un charquito pequeñito
Estaba mamá pez con sus tres lindos pececitos
Mamá ordenó: pececitos a nadar
Y nadaron, y nadaron, no quisieron parar
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Y nadaron, y nadaron, no quisieron parar

“Alto”, dice mami, “o se van a perder”
Pero los pececitos no querían obedecer
Los tres pececitos solo querían nadar
Y nadaron, y nadaron, hasta llegar al mar
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Y nadaron, y nadaron, no quisieron parar

Un pececito dijo: “esto sí es diversión,
Aquí nos quedaremos hasta que caiga el sol”
Mas de pronto sufrieron un gran sofocón
Pues salió de la nada, un gran tiburón
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Y nadaron, y nadaron, no quisieron parar

“¡Auxilio!” decían mientras cruzaban las olas
Nadaron veloces agitando sus colas
Volvieron al charquito donde estaba su hogar
Y nadaron, y nadaron cerca de su mamá
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
Y nadaron, y nadaron cerca de su mamá

Children's Song Used In...

  1. A Splash Party, Please
  2. Barney's Best Manners (Episode Featured: A Splash Party, Please)
  3. Look at Me, I'm 3!
  4. Play and Learn with Barney (Episode Featured: A Splash Party, Please)