Barney Wiki

We've seen the Hebrew versions of The Queen Of Make-Believe, My Family's Just Right For Me, Hop To It!, Eat, Drink And Be Healthy!, Happy Birthday Barney!, Alphabet Soup!, Practice Makes Music, Carnival Of Numbers, Everyone Is Special, Hoo's In The Forest?, Having Tens Of Fun!, Are We There Yet? and Ship, Ahoy!, but I also want to see the Hebrew versions of the following episodes:

  1. Playing It Safe
  2. Four Seasons Day
  3. Going Places!
  4. Caring Means Sharing
  5. Down On Barney's Farm
  6. What's That Shadow?
  7. Our Earth, Our Home
  8. Let's Help Mother Goose!
  9. Be A Friend
  10. I Just "Love" Bugs
  11. When I Grow Up...
  12. 1-2-3-4-5 Senses!
  13. Hi, Neighbor!
  14. A-Camping We Will Go!
  15. A Splash Party, Please
  16. A World Of Music
  17. Doctor Barney Is Here!
  18. Oh, What A Day!
  19. Home Sweet Homes
  20. Hola, Mexico!
  21. Falling for Autumn!
  22. Grandparents Are Grand!
  23. May I Help You?
  24. Red, Blue And Circles Too!
  25. Honk! Honk! A Goose On The Loose!
  26. I Can Do That!
  27. Grown-Ups For A Day!
  28. Picture This!
  29. Look At Me, I'm 3!
  30. The Exercise Circus!
  31. My Favorite Things
  32. The Dentist Makes Me Smile
  33. Stop, Look And Be Safe!
  34. An Adventure In Make-Believe
  35. The Alphabet Zoo
  36. A Very Special Delivery!
  37. Shawn & The Beanstalk
  38. If The Shoe Fits...
  39. Room For Everyone
  40. I Can Be A Firefighter!
  41. Shopping For A Surprise!
  42. Any Way You Slice It
  43. Twice Is Nice!
  44. On The Move
  45. A Welcome Home
  46. Classical Cleanup
  47. Our Furry Feathered Fishy Friends
  48. Gone Fishing!
  49. At Home With Animals
  50. It's Raining, It's Pouring...
  51. Camera Safari
  52. Who's Who On The Choo Choo?
  53. Hats Off To BJ!
  54. Up We Go!

If anybody has the Hebrew versions of any of these, I would love to see them. Also, if anybody has any rare Korean episodes, I want to see those too!