Barney Wiki
This article is about the home video. You may be looking for the re-release title of the book, Barney & BJ Go to the Fire Station.

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Barney, Baby Bop, BJ, and Riff riding in a firetruck

Let's Go to the Fire House is a 2007 direct-to-video Barney Home Video that was released on March 13, 2007. Directed by Fred Holmes and written by Cheryl Ammeter and Carter Crocker, Let's Go to the Fire House marked the fourth video in the Let's Go series following the videos Let's Go to the Zoo, Let's Go to the Farm and Let's Go to the Beach.


The home video starts where the firefighters being summoned to help a woman whose foot is stuck. But when they get her inside the ambulance, Chief Arnett realizes that their mascot/rescue dog Scout has disappeared.

A few days later, Barney and his friends honor the courage and caring of these everyday heroes. The adventure begins in the park, as Barney helps the children imagine what they'll be when they grow up. BJ finds a dog (who is really Scout, the missing rescue dog), and while Barney tries to explain that the dog may have a home, BJ doesn't want to listen to Barney's advice. A smoke alarm goes off in the caboose, and firefighters rush to the park. Fortunately, it's a false alarm, caused by one of Riff's inventions.

Baby Bop wants to know, "What makes a hero?" and BJ is surprised to learn that "his" dog may be the firehouse mascot and a working rescue dog. After an action-packed visit to the firehouse, Baby Bop understands what being a hero means - and she's found one more hero to honor....her big brother, BJ.

Taped on Location: Frisco Fire Station #5 and The City of Frisco Texas



  1. "Let's Go"
  2. "When I Grow Up"
  3. "The Idea Song"
  4. "Best of Friends"
  5. "Let's Do the Tricks My Doggie Does"
  6. "People Helping Other People"
  7. "Here Comes the Firetruck"
  8. "Living in the Fire House"
  9. "Everybody Needs a Nap" (Scene Taken from: "Butterflies")
  10. "When I'm a Firefighter"
  11. "Thinkety Think"
  12. "Clean Up" (Scene Taken from: Happy Mad Silly Sad: Putting a Face to Feelings / "Caring Hearts")
  13. "Exercise Is Good For You"
  14. Fire Safety Medley: "Never Play with Matches" / "Stop, Drop, and Roll" / "Get Low and Go"
  15. "Hurry, Hurry, Put the Suit On"
  16. "Hero"
  17. "I Love You"


Barney Let's Go to the Fire House thumbnail for YouTube

Thumbnail for Let's Go to the Fire House for the official Barney YouTube channel.


This video was uploaded to the official Barney YouTube channel on April 21, 2022, though with its title mistakenly swapped with Let's Go to the Farm originally, which had been uploaded a week earlier.




Behind the Scenes[]


  • This video marked:
    • The first video to have the current HIT Entertainment logo.
    • The final video until Playground Fun! to have the 2001 HIT Entertainment logo.
      • This further implies that when this video was originally produced a year prior to its release, the old logo was still being used at the time before the new one was shown publicly a year later.
    • Another time something happens to the Barney doll before coming to life. It was Ryan pushes the Barney doll down the slide.
      • Incidentally, this also marks the second time that the Barney doll goes down the slide. The first time was "It's Hot! It's Cold!".
    • The first appearance of the Season 11 BJ costume.
    • The third time in which a disabled person in a wheelchair appears, with the first being David and the second being Michael. Although her name was Taylor as mentioned by BJ, her name including her actress weren't listed in the end credits for unknown reasons.
    • The final video where Barney and the dinos sing the "I Love You" song together without any of the kids present.
  • Donovan Mbroh, who portrays Dylan in season eleven of Barney & Friends, makes a cameo appearance during the firehouse show.
  • When this video was released on DVD, it was closed captioned by Caption Technologies, Inc

See Also[]

v - e
Barney & The Backyard Gang
The Backyard Show (1988) • Three Wishes (1988) • A Day At The Beach (1989) • Waiting for Santa (1990) • Campfire Sing-Along (1990) • Barney Goes To School (1990) • Barney in Concert (1991) • Rock with Barney (1991)
1992: Barney's Magical Musical AdventureBarney's Birthday

1993: Barney's Best MannersBarney Rhymes with Mother GooseBarney's Home Sweet HomesLove To Read, With Barney

1994: Let's Pretend with BarneyBarney's Alphabet ZooBarney Live! In New York CityImagination Island

1995: Barney's Families are SpecialBarney SafetyMaking New FriendsBarney's Birthday / Home Sweet HomesRiding In Barney's CarBarney Songs

1996: Barney's All Aboard For SharingBarney's Talent ShowBarney's Fun & GamesBarney's Exercises Circus / Barney's Parade of NumbersBarney's 1-2-3-4 SeasonsOnce Upon A Time

1997: Barney's Sense-Sational DayBarney's Colors & ShapesBarney's Musical ScrapbookCamp WannarunnaroundBarney's Adventure BusBarney's Stu-u-upendous Puzzle Fun!Barney's Good Day, Good Night

1998: It's Time For CountingDown on Barney's FarmBarney in Outer SpaceMy Party with BarneyBarney's Big SurpriseBarney's Halloween PartyBarney's First AdventuresBarney's Good, Clean Fun! / Barney's Oh, Brother...She's My Sister

1999: Sing & Dance With BarneyWhat a World We Share!Walk Around The Block With BarneyLet's Play School!Barney's Night Before ChristmasMore Barney Songs

2000: Barney's Rhyme Time RhythmBarney's Super Singing CircusCome on Over to Barney's HouseBe My Valentine Love, Barney

2001: Barney's Musical CastleA to Z with BarneyBarney's Dino Dancin' TunesLet's Go To The ZooBarney's Pajama Party

2002: You Can Be Anything!Barney's Beach PartyRound and Round We GoBarney's Christmas Star

2003: Barney Songs from the ParkRead With Me/Dance With MeBarney's It's A Happy Day!It's Nice To Meet YouBarney's Red, Yellow and Blue!Barney's Numbers! Numbers!Barney's Best Manners: Your Invitation to Fun!Happy Mad Silly Sad

2004: Movin' and Groovin'Let's Pretend with BarneyNow I Know My ABCsBarney's Colorful World!Ready, Set, Play!

2005: Let's Go to the FarmJust ImagineEveryone Is SpecialThe Land of Make BelieveCan You Sing That Song?

2006: Let's Make Music

2007: Let's Go To The FirehouseShake Your Dino Tail!Dino-Mite Birthday

2008: Celebrating Around The WorldBarney's Animal ABC'sHi! I'm Riff!The Best of Barney

2009: Once Upon A Dino TaleTop 20 CountdownLet's Go on VacationSharing is Caring!Barney's Jungle FriendsWe Love Our Family
2010: Please & Thank YouEgg-Cellent AdventuresLet's Play OutsideFurry FriendsA-Counting We Will GoBest Fairy Tales

2011: Musical ZooShapes & Colors All AroundI Can Do It!1-2-3 LearnBig World AdventureA Very Merry Christmas

2012: I Love My FriendsClean Up, Clean Up!Planes, Trains & CarsAll About OppositesMost Loveable MomentsLet's Go to the Doctor

2013: Let's Go To The MoonPlay with BarneyDance with BarneyImagine with BarneyMost Huggable MomentsPerfectly Purple

2014: Story Time with BarneyHappy Birthday, Barney!A Super-Dee-Duper DayThis Is How I Feel

2015: Tee-rific Bugs & AnimalsIt's Showtime with BarneyBarney's Worldwide Adventure!

2016: Dinos in the Park

2017: Playground Fun
Other releases
Feature film: Barney's Great Adventure

Blockbuster: Play and Learn with BarneyBarney's Time for SchoolBarney's Rockin' Rhyme TimeBarney's Favorite SongsBarney's Big Top FunBarney's Valentine AdventureMovin' & Groovin' with BarneyBarney's Learning Round-UpBarney's Island SafariBarney's Night-Light StoriesBarney's Summertime FunGoing Places With BarneyOn The Move with BarneySing-Along Fun!

Re-releases: Barney's ABC's and 123'sBarney's Outdoor Fun!Let's Go to the BeachBarney's Book FairFun on WheelsMother Goose Collection
